Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Surgery is slated for next Tuesday

 I was relaxing mid-morning when I got the phone call from Carnett Clinic with my lab results from Monday.  I've been "high-normal" with blood pressure and cholesterol most of my life, but today's results were a little worse.  The lab technician was rather kurt:  I have a severe deficiency in calcium, my cholesterol is high, both good and bad cholesterol, and I also have high blood sugar, making me pre-diabetic.  She saved the worst for last. "Come back in six  months for a re-test" she said.

Say what?  I've never been told that I was pre-diabetic before.  I was stunned.  That could explain my fatigue and weakness while hiking lately.  I hadn't felt strong on the trails. 

I must tackle this naturally. I immediately googled pre-diabetes and the best way to naturally manage it.  Flaxseed oil kept coming up for high blood pressure, and for blood sugar, the naturally ways to manage it is by staying hydrated and cutting out alcohol. I don't smoke, am active and weigh 125 pounds, so those areas are good.  My German grandmother had high blood pressure and she ate healthy, was very active and didn't smoke or drink.

No doubt some hereditary factors are at play here. I tend to not drink enough water, especially while at work, as taking bathroom breaks in school can be an inconvenience. I can take breaks between classes, but otherwise I need a security guard to watch the students.  I admit now that life has been stressful with the housefire and losing Kevin. Oviously it's been more stressful than I first admitted.

I must make lifestyle changes.  I must drink more water, take my vitamin D3, add flaxseed oil, cut back my alcohol and overall cut back on fried and fast food. I don't want to be on metformin or other medications for the rest of my life.  I want to tackle my health holistically.  I've seen what ignoring one's health has done to Kevin and my stepdad.

Today's phone call was a wake-up call. I must stay healthy for my grandchildren! In the afternoon Canyon Vista Orthopedics called to schedule me for surgery next Tuesday afternoon, and called me again for a pre-surgery briefing. I must refrain from any medications and vitamin supplements until after my surgery.

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