Saturday, October 9, 2021

Minor trail maintenance along the river

I slept through the sunrise.  At 8am, with Fritz still in the back of the Honda, I drove to the Lehner killsite with him and Sahne and a pair of Fiskars to trim the tall grass that canopies the trail to the river access. I was on snake alert but never saw any. This was their first hike without their dad leading the way.
The dogs were bored waiting for me, and ran around in the tall grass. My right arm and shoulder were still sore after yesterday's fall with Fritz. Using the Fiskars was hard today because of my minor injuries. I have a small scrape on my right knee and elbow.

I did finish trimming the grass along the access trail, and even trimmed a bit along the birding trail before turning around and going back the way we came.
We came across three tortoises, a large one and two smaller ones 50 feet from the larger ones. Was this a family heading toward the river. I moved the smaller ones off to the side. One peed out of fear but no harm was done to them. The dogs sniffed them but left them alone.
Cochise County
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