The big storm that arrived yesterday afternoon didn't quite bring in the rain that was forecasted. Tucson was expecting at least half an inch. Phoenix didn't get the flooding it was expecting. I can't see the peaks so I don't know how much more snow we got on our peaks.
The hardest thing for us here near the border was the high winds. It was blowing hard last night driving home from class. Any remaining leaves on the trees are now all off. Normally our palm tree sheds a few fronds after a wind storm but when I walked around outside today I didn't see any fronds anywhere in the yard. Garden stuff was all over the backyard, though and we got a good soaking which the plants all needed, but no fronds. The temperature is a mild 48F.
I saw a double rainbow late this morning.
This storm will pack a punch as far east as Indiana. New Mexico got hit hard as well.
This is an early storm for the region and El Nino is expected to give us more moisture this year. But will this hamper my travels this holiday?
The dogs are anxious to go for a walk today. They were confined to the backyard yesterday. Their last fun was an hour with me Sunday afternoon. Even I need to get out and hike again. The 10-day sore throat and finals week have kept me sedentary, and subsequently restless.
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