Clouds never left the mountains yesterday. Even driving home from class last night I could not see the peaks, but I could tell that snow had fallen down to around 6000feet. Mount Lemon north of Tuscon reported 18" of snow; we should have the same here.
This morning, however, with the storm long passed us, I can see the white peaks. Wow! Nothing froze in the garden, though. There was a light frost on my tomato plants and some frost in the shade, but no lingering damage yet.
The birds, however, are filling up on the seeds I'm giving them. A large scoop of seed in the feeder is gone within an hour. I keep refilling the seed and the birds keep inviting more of their friends to join them. Our front yard will soon look like an aviary. But I don't mind, as these birds need our help.
My sore throat is still lingering, and now I'm fighting a headache. I can't wait to be able to breathe freely again. At night I feel like I'm choking from my congestion, and visions of my aging father drowing in his own lung fluids haunt my memory.
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