Sunday, March 13, 2022

New Perimeter trail extension

I wanted to see if this southern extension had been improved since I last hiked it with Ellen and Susan a few weeks ago. I took Hansel and Gretel on this hike.
Perhaps because the dogs were eager to get out hiking, after sleeping in the truck overnight, or perhaps because they spotted a deer, but both took off after something  as I neared the turn-around point at the 1.6- mile mark. They took off here in the same area the last time as well.
But this time I had no sign of them. I stopped a few times, called their names...nothing. I hiked up to the first saddle, then went back the way I came, calling their names but seeing nothing. Had they run downhill into a neighborhood in search of water?
Crestfallen, and mentally preparing myself for two fewer dogs, I walked back to my truck.  This is certainly an unplanned means to unload a few dogs. All sorts of ideas went through my head. Missing dogs. Careless owner. Multiple feral packs of dogs roaming through the footbiils. 

But there they were, resting under the truck!They looked exhausted and didn't bark with excitement at seeing me.  I spotted Gretel first, then Hansel.
Both jumped into the truck. A Cochise county deputy sheriff vehicle drove into the parking lot to witness this. Was he responding to a frantic caller of two loose dogs in the area? The deputy parked close to me but didn't get out of his vehicle. I gave the dogs water and petted them both. The deputy perhaps was more interested in my truck being a suspect load vehicle. I drove off without incident a few minutes later, after making sure the dogs drank enough water.
Whatever the dogs experienced, they were tired. They had all the water they could have, then later each a tall can of food, as they rested quietly in the truck while I drove off to McDs for lunch.

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