Friday, March 18, 2022

A day with Erin and another vet visit with Minnie

Today was devoted to Erin, minus two hours I spent alone with Minnie from 12-3pm.
I got up at 630 to walk five short laps around the hood, three with Gretel, Gretchen and Sweetie. It was 44F and chilly, and took a coffee break before walking two laps with Hansel and Sahne, who then stayed with me in the car and joined me for another walk after breakfast at Erin's hotel.
We walked one of the oldest section of the town's multi-use trail. This goes through the oldest neighborhood, with small houses and yards and lots of fat dogs barking at my dogs. Hansel doesn't respond, but Sahne gets revved up.

It was only 2.5 miles round trip and it was already getting warm. I knew we would walk more in Bisbee later that afternoon, so we cut the walk short. I washed a load of clothes here before heading back to the RV (only $1 to wash and another $1 to dry) to get Minnie ready for her 1pm visit. It was in the Sierra Animal Hospital parking lot that I noticed my wallet was missing. I had to call Erin to drive down to meet me, as I had money in my other wallet. I had enough to pay cash for the vet visit 

Dr Baird saw Minnie and his diagnosis of her anal sac gland is as bad as Dr Bone's from February: due to her age, weight, and heart condition, he will not operate on her. He feels it's best to let the tumor run its course, and then treat her for pain until the pain becomes unbearable. I looked at Minnie as she looked back at me, panting and at times whimpering. I will do my best to make the last months her best months.

Dr Baird gave her an antibiotic as her tumor is now leaking and harder to the touch. I'm afraid it will rupture soon.

I took Minnie home. She wobbled back to the back yard. I looked around for my wallet (no luck), packed up more dirty clothes, then drove back into town to meet Erin in the Target parking lot.  She and I had a walking tour planned for Bisbee.

Erin was dressed in shorts and a matching sleeveless shirt. I told her she will need a sweater once the sun sets, but she wouldn't believe it. It was 73F in SV, but 68F in Bisbee. She wore the sweater tied around her waist 
I parked across the Old Bisbee Brewing company and took her uphill on Tombstone Canyon road. I took her to Bisbee when she last visited with Ethan 11 years ago, but due to his age, we didn't walk far or go up any stairs with the stroller.

Today we walked 3.25 miles with only one set of stairs after an early dinner at Contessa's. She liked what she saw, agreeing that the town has character..She took a lot of photos 

We got back to the hotel at sunset. Someone had found my wallet in the parking lot and turned it in. All contents were in it. What a relief!

I stayed until 930 when the last if the three loads were dry 

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