It was a full day again. Sweetie wanted to sleep in the truck, so she was my only responsibility in the morning. All the other dogs were in the back of the house and were quiet all night. I walked Sweetie for one block, then went into the house to feed the pack and give Minnie her meds. It's the usual morning routine.
I met Erin in her hotel's breakfast bar, showered, and we checked out just before 10am for the drive to the airport. We had time to chat at the Barrio bar before she left at noon to board her flight back to Chicago and I rejoined Sweetie for the 13-mile drive to Fort Lowell park, where Steve and I last walked part of the loop on 2-21-22.
There is a lot to see at the Fort Lowell park. We were only on the far eastern side last time where there are no ruins. This time I was parked on the west side of the park, where ruins from the old army post still stand. The hospital walls still show some shape, but are now fenced off and covered from the harsh sun. There is also an artificial pond, a racquetball court, and a few other athletic courts for the public. Plenty of people were out enjoying a cool day.
Weather was mostly cloudy and 64F with a slight breeze. It was near ideal for a walk. Next weekend we are expecting temperatures in the 80s, so the cool weather may be coming to an end.
Sweetie was steady, but a tad slow on today's walk.. I need to schedule her for a geriatric exam. She is giving me that same pained look Zeke gave me last summer. I have patience with her.
I wanted to walk three miles each way heading south, for about a six-mile round-trip walk along the Pantano River Park. Flowers are starting to bloom. The creosote is strong right now, too, but not much color besides purple lupines and desert marigolds dot the Tucson landscape.
I turned around at the N Sabino Road overpass instead, cutting off a half mile each way. Sweetie looked tired. She has done a lot of walking this weekend. I walked back via the east bank, but that path ended after half a mile, then resumed my return walk the way I came.
Rain clouds were forming and it started to drizzle that last mile. It was not a heavy rain, but enough moisture to bring out the desert scents of spring.
I had walked 5.75 miles, but only 2.2 miles were on the actual Loop going one way. The rest was through Fort Lowell.
This is Sweetie's first section of the Loop. My other dogs were Sara, Sadie, Zeke, Hansel, Gretchen, Gretel and Sahne. It was an easy walk with her.
I got back to the RV at sunset, but stayed in the truck until the slight drizzle became a steady rain. I don't remember seeing rain in the forecast, but I always welcome rain, even if that means cooler temperatures follow.