Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Carr Peak with Hansel and Gretchen

I accidentally deleted this post, so will rewrite this now.

Teachers are allowed to leave early on the last Wednesday of the month. I stayed until 12:45 to grade some assignments, but then took off. It would be my last chance to hike Carr Peak for the month.

I had little time to waste as sunset is now just after 6pm and that means getting back to the car by 5 to have enough light to drive down the mountain road.

I left the house with Hansel and Gretchen, wearing the same clothes I wore to school. This was Gretchen's first big hike. I was curious how she would do.

We started the hike at 1:47. It was a cool 64F with no breeze. I never came across other people today. No cars were in the parking area. The only other creature was a reddish bear that momentarily sauntered on the trail ahead of us with.a half-mile to go to the peak.  The dogs were behind me. They did not chase the bear, but they stayed close to me as we neared the peak. I spoke loudly to keep the beer away.

Gretchen did well that first mile, staying close to her dad but also running off trail when he did. He would come back, but usually without Gretchen. Three times I had to stop, wait,  and call her name. The last time was on the return walk, where I stopped for a good ten minutes calling her name. Hansel heard her farther up the trail and led me back to her.

My biggest surprise was the dry waterfall. And this after several intense downpours over the mountains last weekend. The aspens are just now changing colors but won't peak until mid October. I also didn't see too many wildflowers. 

We got back to the Honda just after 5pm and were back in the valley 30 minutes later.

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