Monday, September 6, 2021

A walk along the river

I've been having a hard time getting motivated to walk ever since coming back from my roadtrip. The urge to walk the dogs is fading as well. There have been three days this month alone I did not make my daily goal of 5.5 miles.

I was sitting inside the local McDs when Susan texted me at 340 telling me she was getting ready to walk Allie along the river. I needed that motivation to get up and leave the restaurant and go back home to get Hansel and Gretel.

This was Gretel's first hike since she was spayed. I'm sure both dogs were happy to be down by the river again. 
Dark clouds lingered to our south, and lightning flashed from various directions in the distance, but it never rained over us. The wind briefly stirred up the trees but then quickly wanted. The lack of any bright sunlight seemed eerie.
We walked north along the river trail, noting where recent floods had reached the upper banks. More trees have toppled from storm winds, creating more snags in and around the path. The grass is now three feet tall and even taller in other sections. We saw a few discarded backpacks.

We came across no one else. Susan said Bob had cut the grass down earlier today, leaving the path with the aroma of freshly cut grass. I got back to my car showing the first symptoms of my seasonal allergies.

We only walked 2.3 miles. I still had three more to go for my daily goal. The dogs didn't want to get out if the car when I got back to the house, so I walked around the hood for a mile dogless, noting the few drought stricken trees. Only one juniper succumbed to the drought. The rest of the pines are growing new candles over dead parts. 
I met another neighbor today, Stephen. I've seen him before walking his dogs off leash up and down S Circle S Drive, but today was the first day we stopped to chat. He lives in the only prefab house on the block and normally walks his GSDs off leash. His oldest GSD uses a wheelchair because its hind legs are paralyzed. I met Haddow and his newest pup Clementine today. Both sniffed me over thoroughly.

I walked Hansel another mile around the hood, watched a sunset, then called it a night. It was a peaceful evening until someone popped a few fireworks at 945, scaring the pups

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