It was calm and mild this morning as I left for the high school, but dark clouds were rolling in from Tucson a few hours later. I had planned on staying in town to live out the storm and high winds, but now I had some free time with clear skies; the storm clouds hadn't reached our neighborhood yet and I had little time to spare.
I rushed home to get a quick walk in with the dogs, who were excited to see me. I knew what they wanted and didn't hesitate; within a few minutes I had changed into my hiking clothes and got the dogs into the SUV for our drive to the nearby foothills. Clouds were now over town and rolling eastward. The southern Huachucas, however, were still clear and the peaks quite visible.
I powerwalked as fast as I could to our usual turn-around point, where a large group of shooters were yesterday. They had left the area trashed with a shot-up large TV console and shotgun cartridges. Broken glass and plastic components were strewn about. This kind of blatant and wanton destruction and littering of our forests is what really grates on me. The illegals crossing our borders are mostly to blame, but the avid gun nuts around here are no worse.
I lingered here a bit but then it began to drizzle. I called the dogs back and they knew: they had to beat feet (paws!) back to the truck or else they risk getting very wet. By the time I got back to the truck my hair was wet and my red fleece damp, but we had escaped the wrath of the storm.
The storm, however, never came. Once I got back on the highway the dark clouds had passed far to the east. The sun came out and the birds in our front yard were twittering with delight when they saw me back at the house by 11:15am. Perhaps they expected me to feed them another hefty serving of birdseed?
So what happened to the storm that was supposed to reck havoc over our skies for the rest of the week? Instead of getting hit hard with soaking rains, we barely got pissed on!
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