I had another errand to run today, driving to the county school superintendent's office in Old Bisbee for my certificate notarization. I didn't go anywhere else in town but to this old high school office. This was one of those impromptu errands I decided to take care of this morning.
While in town with Sadie I decided to spend two hours hiking up Brewery Gulch, this time taking the left fork going north instead of the right fork going east which leads up to the cross. (I did that hike on Thanksgiving). This narrow canyon climbs steady up into the heights of the arid Mule Mountains. Old rock walls from Bisbee's flood days of 100 years ago were still visible.
This was a pleasant hike with just Sadie and me. She was at her best behavior, staying close to me. Weather was clear but cooler than yesterday.
We didn't go far, perhaps four miles tops. Lots of yuccas, agaves and hedgehog cacti lined the dry creek bed. The trail faded as we neared the summit. One of these days I'm going to attempt the alleged loop hike that circles Bisbee. There was no water in the creek.
We turned around at a half-summit where we could see the peaks of Mexico. We were back at the SUV at 2:15pm and made it to Applebee's, as planned at 3pm. Bill showed up later. The three of us chatted; we hadn't seen each other since before Kevin's flight to Boston.
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