Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm packed and ready to go

Kevin helped me finalize the last-minute stuff. Extra towels. Dog food. Trash bags. Snacks. Dog treats. I have two five-gallon shower bags full, plenty of clothes for both hot and cool weather and two pair of hikers. I have my cameras, laptop, books (seriously, when will I have time to read once I leave Indiana?) and sheets.

I'm taking my .38 AND my stun gun. It's the stun gun I like in the wilderness as the one I have is so loud and scary-sounding that even I run from the sound of that thing. (So do the dogs). I figured if I get intimate with a hungry mountain lion or a grumpy bear the stunner may be the better choice. I really don't like carrying guns out in the wilderness.
As I get ready for a big roadtrip, here are some headlines:
Wayman Tisdale dies at age 44 of bone cancer
Farrah FAwcett's autopic of her cancer struggle airs tonight on NBC

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