Friday, May 28, 2021

Last day of school

Oh my, what a year it's been.  I'm so glad it's over.  Despite the pandemic, this has been my best year yet.  I think I actually made an impact on some of these young people, especially those who thought they didn't amount to much. 

One young gal told me her ranch stories of helping her Tio mend abandoned and abused animals on his 100-acre ranch in Hereford.  Her Tio died of a massive heart attack just last Saturday.  Another young woman told me she suffers from low self esteem because her mother is forcing her on birth control and that is causing her to gain 40 pounds.  She says she isn't even sexually active. A third woman says her plan is to graduate from high school and be the first person in her family to do so.  I prodded her along to get assignments turned in. She made it with a high D.  I had future soccer players, engineers and military personnel in my classrooms.  And not one of them gave me any trouble. 

Hopefully this fall we will be back to a normal classroom schedule without wearing masks.  I must admit wearing a mask wasn't always bad, as masks hide those bits of spinach souffle that always ended up stuck between my teeth. I love eating spinach souffle for lunch, but I always get self conscious knowing there may be little green bits around my teeth.

Now that school is over, I can devote more time to leash training the pups, do more hiking, and get the house better organized. I need to find these puppies a new home before I head out to Indiana. They are all eligible for their rabies vaccine next weekend.

It's going to be a busy summer. My son Eric is leaving the Air Force at the end of June and moving to Tempe, AZ, where he will attend Arizona State University for the next two years and major in English. Just like his dad did. I have more weekend trips to the Phoenix area in my future.

My road trip this year is tentatively slated for July, when I drive back to Indiana.  I will stop in north central Arkansas again and hike the southern Ozarks on my way north 

This is Memorial Day weekend and I started it with walking Zeke and Sweetie, then Hansel, Gretel and Wolfie, who tagged along between his parents.  More hiking is planned for Saturday and Monday.

Life is good. I just wish it'd rain!

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