Sunday, April 19, 2020

Walk along the river

Yesterday's hike up Huachuca Peak kicked my butt! It also kicked my thighs and ankles and both were hurting all day.

I slept in, too, and Kevin let me sleep.  It wasn't until 8:30 when I slowly got up for coffee.  I then spent most of the day playing with Hansi and watching him interact with the big dogs.  He's learning fast!  He's already showing a talent for fetching, as he grabbed one of Minnie's balls and took off with it while she stood back dumbfounded. Minnie didn't seem to mind the competition.  I also noticed a distinct curl in his tail.  German Shepherd Dogs are not supposed to have curly tails.

The dogs were anxious for a walk, but I didn't take them anywhere until later in the afternoon, when Susan wanted to walk the river.  The water is low enough and warm enough to wade in it now.  We both enjoy wading in the water and the dogs seem to like it when we stay close to them in the water.

There were two other vehicles in the parking area, so I suggested we walk south instead of the usual north.  We hadn't walked south along the river all year yet, let's see what's out there.

We only went a mile as I was tired and looked it, too.  We saw a few more downed trees and a dead badger that Sadie had to sniff out, and found some animal tracks in dried mud that look to be either raccoon or badger.

The trees are fully leafed out now, creating a thick, green canopy over the river.  I like walking the three miles south along the river here, as there is always something new to see besides dead animals.  The river snakes gently here and widens out; I find it very peaceful along this stretch of water.

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