Friday, April 24, 2020

A playmate for Hans

I need another dog like I need a penis on my forehead, but I had told Paige last Sunday that I am still interested in a female puppy, a playmate for Hans who gets no attention from the big dogs.  I had regretted not taking the female pup that Susan declined to take last week, so this was my last opportunity.

She texted me early today and said the breeder in Benson has one left from another litter.  She would pick her up for me.  Since Kevin agreed to get a playmate for Hans, I told Paige I would take the little girl, the runt of the litter, whom I named Gretel.  So now we have Hans und Gretel.  I am so original with these names.

Gretel was born March 6th, exactly 12 years later than Sadie.  She's much smaller than Hans and her ears are still floppy down.  She is no match for Hans, who pummeled with her later in the day and was rather rough with her before settling down in the same crate at night.  Gretel is quiet, with much darker markings than Hans.  She will catch up to Hans in strength and stamina, but that will be months from now.

Today was the second night in a row that I couldn't sleep.  Even Susan told me later as we walked along the river that I looked like a Zombie.  As soon as I got back from the walk, I went to bed, fell asleep around 8pm and slept through the night.  It was the best sleep I had in several days.

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