Sunday, March 17, 2013

Carr Peak with Sadie, Minnie and Zeke

I wasted an entire week of spring break doing absolutely nothing. It was as if paralyzed. All I did was visit the shelter, play with the animals, photograph them, and then upload their pictures to the Facebook page, which lately has taken on a life of its own. People are noticing our work there and the word is going around. Twenty more people joined it this weekend.

But by Sunday afternoon I knew I needed to get out of the house. The dogs were restless. They hadn't hiked last weekend and by today they were getting moody. It was time. So I packed my pack and leashes and off I drove, to the Old Sawmill Trail with Sadie, Minnie and Zeke, and hiked up to the peak. We were the only ones in the parking lot when we started at 1:45pm.

It was a perfect day for a hike. The only snow was near the aspen groves, where the dogs "ate" some snow to stay refreshed. Water ran off the waterfall, too. But this was a windy day that only got windier once I was got near and on the peak. I stayed long enough to photograph the panorama and went back down again.

There are no wild flowers yet along the Crest Trail, The vista is still very much a dead grey and brown. Hopefully next month it will be different, as slowly life is coming back to a dormant landscape.

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