Saturday, May 25, 2024

A gorgeous morning

 I managed to get up early and walk both dogs separately while it was still cool.  It's my first day of  summer break and I have a full schedule already. 

While I missed the official sunrise, I did witness a sky of high cirrus clouds.  These clouds diffused the sun a while, allowing me to get both Gretchen and Fritz walked for 2.5 miles each.  It wasn't as fragrant as Sunday's walk, but it was cooler.

We saw a coyote saunter across the street at the start of our walk, curious of Gretchen's desire to lunge and chase after it.  I made more noise to chase it off while Gretchen said nothing.  The coyotes in this neighborhood are more brazen than in my own:  they leave their feces in the middle of the street, to be admired by the neighborhood dogs.

The sun finally broke out at 7:20am when I finished my walk.  I walked 5.3 miles.

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