Sunday, May 19, 2024

A fragrant Sunday walk

I finally started a dog walk shortly after sun rise.  I have become lazy since staying at CC's and don't walk them until after the sun is up. 

It was 5:29am.  I took Gretchen first, as she is tethered otherwise.  We walked north to the Garden canyon linear park, back south to Kalispell and a loop around the block.  That was 3.5 miles.  I had to rest a bit with some iced tea before taking on Fritz for the western part of the walk as it had warmed up from 59F to the low 70s!

It was a very sweetly fragrant walk.  The cacti and palo verde trees are all in the bloom, and the last of the spring wild flowers have reached their prime.

A woman driving  large SUV stopped to tell me how handsome Fritz is.  She must have seen me walk Fritz before.  

There were plenty of dog walkers out when I was out with Fritz.  I kept my distance to avoid any lunging.  He got me in the end, with 0.25 miles of the walk, when he took off after a rabbit.  I let the leash go to avoid another broken limb.  At least Fritz has good recall and came back to me after sniffing around the empty but overgrown lot.  By the time we were done, just before 8am, it was already 75F.  Today's high reached 90F.

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