Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Power walking the Fitness Trail (week 3)

I was actually looking forward to this. I took Tuesday off from walking due to fatigue, but after my day at the high school today working with students with behavioral issues, it felt great to get out and walk off any stress. I was so excited about getting started, that I got to the start point 15 minutes early. I kept thinking we were taking off at 5pm, but the start time is actually 5:15pm. I came early to my own event!

It was noticeably cooler today. There was a crispness to the breeze. I had Zeke with me, who is becoming my favorite work-out dog because he walks so well on a leash, is very friendly toward people and other dogs, and doesn't bark.

All six people showed up and we started on time: Jeff, Jay, HollyW and HollyO, and Tiffany and her two dogs (she is a foster for Arizona Cattle Dog Rescue). Jeff, Jay and I were up front and the other three gals were just behind us. This was HollyW's first power walk and she finished in 1:23 hours, which I reminded her was faster than my first time.

I wore the same brown vest I wore for school, and my arms therefore never warmed up, but I walked once again at a 15:20 minute pace. Once everyone was back, we departed and went our own way. I was very proud of Zeke, who sat next to me for the entire drive home, looking up at me with that "Did I do good again today, Mah?" look. I'm really falling for this dog. I am so glad both Kevin and I had patience with him when he chewed through everything during his puppyhood.

My ankles were sore when I got home, and fatigue once again overcame me. I fell asleep in bed trying to read a book I need to review for Amazon. I was up again at 11pm and then couldn't get back to sleep. It's time I start taking melatonin again!

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