Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Another dogfight (and this time I lost!)

Yesterday afternoon, after a short visit to the animal shelter (which is probably my last trip there for a while), I stopped by PetsMart to get Minnie a new, pliable Frisbee. I played with her and Sadie later on in the yard. The Frisbee was a big hit, as well as a rubber Kong wheel. Soon Minnie and Sadie were playing tug-o-war with it, but when I got ahold of it and it was just me against Sadie, suddenly Sadie was attacked by both Sweetie and Minnie. Sweetie went for her first, to the throat, and Minnie joined in. Sara came in last. I tried to pry Minnie off of Sadie but instead she got my right wrist pretty good. I screamed, blood rushed out of my hand, but luckily both Eric and Kevin quickly rushed to my side with a bucket of water. That split up the pack. Sadie wasn't seriously wounded and we took her inside, but Minnie and I were panting hard. My hand was a bloody mess and had to grab a nearby towel for compression to let the blood coagulate.

This all happened so fast. I have no ill feelings toward any of the dogs, but it's clear that Sweetie is a swift and effective fighter. Once provoked, she will not let go. Minnie is no worse. Perhaps my playful grunts while playing tug-o-war made the dogs think Sadie was attacking me and they came to my rescue. That is hard to say, but since Sara joined in, that seems most likely.

I now have a deep gash on my right wrist. It's not too serious but it bled all night long, slowly, and stained through the bandages I wore to the Huachuca City budget meeting.

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