Saturday, February 10, 2024


 The storm blowing from California arrived overnight.  I slept in until sunrise 7:10am to thick, gently falling snow.   Normally any snow that falls melts at sunrise.  Today was an exception.

I took both Fritz and Gretchen to the Lehner Kill site trail to enjoy the snow.  But between the drive from  CC's house to the trailhead, 15 miles away, the gentle snow turned to heavy rain drops.  I wasn't dressed for rain but since I was already at the parking lot, let the dogs go, holding on to Gretchen until I was on the straight-away to the river.

The rain turned to snow again.  The field was covered in snow, but the trail was muddy, a slippery mud not suited for my fleece-lined shoes.  I took Gretchen off leash to prevent any falling on my part, but was aware she could take off and keep me waiting.

Both dogs did well.  They enjoyed their romp in the cold river and came back to me on the return walk, dodging in and out of the mesquite forest.

And then, just 50m from the Honda, Gretchen saw something that caught her eye.  She looked at me but took off, with Fritz after her.  He also looked briefly at me, but then followed his sister.

I was now damp and chilled and waiting in the Honda with the engine running.  I was not in the mood to sit and wait on the dogs.  I briefly drove home for a FedEx delivery which never came, then returned to the Lehner Kill site to wait some more.   It's not like I had other things to do besides sit in a car with the engine running and wait for two dogs.

But soon after my 2pm arrival they came running around to the parking lot, both wet and panting.  First came Fritz, then Gretchen. By this time they had been running since 10:30am.  The stories they could have told! They both jumped into the Honda and then rested there for ten hours.

Relieved that both dogs were back with me without anyone else knowing about their brief adventure, I drove back home.  Most of the snow had now melted except for north shaded areas.  What a mess the back yard was!  


Today's high was only 42F.

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