Wednesday, November 17, 2021

How many GSDs can one pack in a 2014 Honda CR-V?


And I'll never do that again.  Not because the number is ridiculously large, but because it's hard to manage that many dogs.

I got home from a short meet with Steve at Bone Dry and got home at 4:30pm.  I was already running out of day light and decided to take them down to the maintenance road three miles away.  This way I wouldn't lose 15 minutes of drive time.

I took all the younger dogs: Hansel, Gretel, Fritz, Wolf, Gretchen, Sahne and Sweetie. I initially wanted only to take four dogs, but all of them busted out the gate and managed to get inside the vehicle.  They had no room to lay down and were packed in.

It was no wonder they all jumped out with relief when I parked the car.

The dogs generally stayed together, with Gretel and Sweetie staying closer, while the others followed Hansel as he pranced across the field.  I stayed on the paths and created a linear track, but the dogs went everywhere, through the grass, over the washes, and finished up in the small pond the National Forest has artificially pumped in for wildlife. This pond has been cleared of its reeds and is more visible now.

I logged in two miles in 43 minutes, finishing at dusk with all dogs wet and happy back in the Honda for the drive home. At least all the pups got exercised, but the stress of watching over all that fur is too much.

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