Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Fritz and Wolfie got neutered

Today is my last day of summer break. Kids return to the classroom tomorrow. I've been getting ready with lessons and administrative stuff since Friday. We had meetings for most of the morning and it worked out well for me to get both boys neutered today. I dropped them off at 8am and picked them back up at 2pm.  Susan was my backup in case I couldn't pick them up, but I called her at 1:30pm to let her know she wasn't needed this time.

I didn't find out until pickup time that Fritz was a problem patient. He had to be tranquilized with a stronger anesthetic than Wolfie for a $30 surcharge  I knew both dogs were scared to go in the backroom and an additional vet tech was needed to pull them back, but one vet tech told me Fritz got aggressive with them and almost bit two of the workers. "This was not fear, this was aggression!" said Annette, another vet tech there. She added that it is too late to get him socialized, and that he will be a liability going forward.

I met Annette about ten years ago, when she was a vet tech at the Bisbee Cochise Animal Hospital under Dr. Barnette, and then later as a shelter volunteer in Huachuca City. She was gruff then and still is today, but her words stung. I knew Fritz is dog aggressive, but I've never seen him human aggressive.

"The next time you bring in an aggressive dog, you need to let the office know" said Chasity, the first vet tech.
"I didn't know Fritz would get aggressive" I said.  He'd only been at a vet once before, and that was for his rabies and other annual vaccines, right in this very same office.
"You brought Fritz in at Jem's feed a few months ago and he was aggressive then" said Annette.
Now I was getting annoyed.  "No, that was not Fritz, that was Hansel, Fritz' dad!" I said.  I guess Hansel and Fritz look too much alike.

So now I have added worries. Sheba and Sahne are getting aggressive with other dogs and are even attacking Gretchen, who runs into the bedroom to seek shelter with Kevin or me. She has multiple scabs on her body from them. I need to find them both new homes before this behavior gets out of hand.

Wolfie seems to be the only mellow dog in this batch.

I know Hansel and Gretel were dog aggressive from 5-9 months of age. I took Gretel to dog obedience and that helped her, and Hansel calmed down on his own, so I feel there is hope. 

With school starting up again, I won't have much time to devote to individual training.

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