Friday, September 4, 2020

Sweetie walks on leash

The heat is back on.  Our mini-monsoon was way too minnie.  Susan and I met at 7am to walk the Brown Canyon Nature Loop and commented that at 7:30am it felt very hot.  We only did three miles and took a long break by the duck pond, regretting starting so late. There was more water in the pond, but little evidence of any rain water elsewhere.  The foothills were dry and the grass that briefly shined lush green earlier in the week is fading again.

I only took the pups this time, leaving even Zeke at home.  I wanted to see how the pups would be without an elder guiding them., even though Zeke is not fond of guiding the pups.  The pups instead used Allie as their guide, and Allie is such a gentle dog around them. She tolerates their mouthing her.

The pups were less wild today, but still barked loudly at a young Border Patrol agent on a training run.  He was packed with a backpack and boots and powerwalked the dirt road.  He was sweating profusely but maintained a good pace.  He was the one person Gretel barked out.

The walk took us 2.5 hours.  From there I drove into town to walk through PetSmart, bought a bright orange frisbee for Hansel and then stopped by the dogpark.  There were only three people there and as many dogs, and when they left, I left as well.  The pups were as tired of the heat as I was.  I then drove home and was back with the pack by noon.

The big news today was taking Zeke and Sweetie on a two-mile walk around the 'hood on leash.   I knew they both wanted to hit the river, but I didn't want to drive the 13 miles to do so.  Minnie is still limping from her last visit to the river and Sadie showed no interest in going anywhere. I opted instead to wait until after dark to take both dogs out. It was already late dusk with no moon when I started.

Zeek is already a proven leashwalker, but Sweetie has always fought me.   She would either run away or try to get out of her collar. Tonight she did not.  She is either slowly aging into a more gentler dog, or was so desperate for a walk that she tolerated her confinement.  She (and Zeke) only darted once when a rabbit darted across the street and jerked me sideways.  I was very impressed with Sweetie.  I will now walk her onleash more often around the neighborhood. She and Zeke work well together when the pups aren't around. I have gotten away from walking the dogs around the neighborhood and need to rediscover the convenience.


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IN cases 97,884 (+1030)
IN deaths 3350 (+18)

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