Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sheepshead Rock with Zeke and the hiking club

This was a combined hike with both the Huachuca Hiking Club and the Sierra Vista Hikers.  Rod, JohnS,  JimA, SteveS, Nina, Robert showed up for this hike.  I brought Zeke along and he had no trouble jumping up the rocks or squeezing up boulders.  I even had no trouble finding the route. 

The group quickly broke off into a fast and a slow group.  This hike, although only four miles long, is very steep in that second mile. and Nina struggled getting up.  But she did make it in the end.  What an accomplishment that was.  Robert, Nina and I hugged each other on the top.

This was Rod's 70th birthday, he later revealed, and he was slow, too.

We scattered on the top to have our lunch.  The views from this rock top are back toward Tombstone and Sulphur Valley.  I rested with Zeke in a shaded part.

Jim and John were eager to get back home.  I could tell they were annoyed with the slower hikers.  They were waiting at the cars when I got back. I told them they could just leave, and that I would wait for the entire group to get back. They quickly drove off.

Nina and Robert got back later than planned.  I now knew I would miss Halloween today.  Nina had plans as well, which is why I was surprised she wanted to join Rod, Steve and I at Ringo's for a post-hike meal.  By the time I got back home, I had returned to a dark street and a quiet house.

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