Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Morning hike up the road

The last of the residual rains from Hurricane Blanca swept through early this morning. The peaks were shrouded in grey fog and it looked like possible rain. It also looked much cooler than last Tuesday for a refreshing hike. I took Sadie along and together we joined the rest of the SV hikers up Carr Canyon Road. Susan and Nina were in this group.

We got to the parking area at 8:56am. Several cars were there but everyone had taken off. If the hike started at 8:30am, I figured it would be two miles before I saw anyone. As it turned out, Nina was late and the group didn't start until 8:50am. I had only been behind them for ten minutes before we could catch up with them.

It was a lovely walk up the road with the cool overcast. We have been very lucky this season with rain and cooler temperatures, but once we got to the waterfall we could tell that the water is drying up. Water sliders are now taking over the pools and algae is forming in parts of them. Not even Sadie wants to drink from that water source.

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