Sunday, November 3, 2013

Upper Ash Canyon

Something awakened me at 3am. I smelled rain outside but couldn't tell if it had rained or not until later. I couldn't sleep so I got online for an hour before going back to bed and fighting with Minnie to make room for me. She refused to budge and I wasn't about to let her win this battle.

It was a perfect day: in the 70s, overcast and little breeze. I needed to get some hiking in so I opted to take Minnie, Zeke and Sammy up Nipple Peak in Ash Canyon. I kept Sadie at home again because she has another raw patch on her rear left thigh that looks like it could use some medical attention. It's the size of a saucer plate. I put a cone around Sadie's head to keep her from pulling her fur out.
Rain clouds hovered over the Huachucas. Carr Peak was shrouded in fog but the peaks south of there looked fine. Would I get sprinkled on? I didn't bring a jacket and only wore a t-shirt and jeans, the same clothes I wore all weekend.

There were a lot of target shooters in Ash Canyon again. This was the weekend to take the Halloween pumpkins into the National Forest and shoot them dead. There were shooters in every side trail along the way except for at the trailhead for Ash Canyon. The dogs couldn't wait to get out.
I hadn't been up this trail since earlier this winter with Sara, so I had her on my mind the entire time.

We started the hike up FR4784 at 1:33pm. A jeep and a pick-up came downhill near the start and then we were alone the rest of the walk. I worried about Sammy, but he did fine, not showing any fatigue but staying close-by. Minnie and Zeke fought a lot, usually started by Minnie, but otherwise they stayed on the trail. The scruboaks are growing back slowly. What used to be a brown-grey area is now slowly coming back to life with greens, although the taller dead trees will remain a landmark for many decades to come.
It got windier as we got closer to the saddle overlooking Mexico. At one point I felt the rain, but it didn't last. The cool air was refreshing for us all. At one point we even had a half rainbow in the valley.

It took me 50 minutes to get to the saddle. This was our break and turn-around time. It was 2:25pm The sky toward Mexico was mostly overcast but white-clouds. North of me was dark and windier. I was in a wind gap now and couldn't stay long. The dogs had some treats and water and we went downhill and back to the car. For a short two-hour hike this is a nice choice because you get a grade, a view and a challenge.

More later.

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