Sunday, October 24, 2010

East Hunter Canyon Trail

Distance: 3 miles
Elevation: 5900-6900'
Time: 2 hours, leisurely pace

This is a short trail built in the 1980s by a local Girl Scout troop. It ends in a lush canyon of an old homestead a mile from the Miller Wilderness sign. I don't even think it's an official trail anymore except for illegals who come down the canyon from the Crest Trail. It's steep and scenic and today I took all three dogs with me because I didn't have the heart to leave Sara and Sammy behind.

Fall colors are in full bloom along the Crest Trail, but we didn't get that high up. The actual trail ends a mile uphill, but we continued up the illegal trail that follows the steep dry creek bed. We passed a lot of Mexican trash that I took back down with me. We didn't get too far due to downed trees and large boulders blocking the way, but I was able to take a few autumn shots anyway. We went only as far as we could safely go. Even Sara had trouble pushing herself up some of the tall, steep boulders but she made it, and when at one point none of the dogs followed me up the steep embankment, I realized it was time to turn around.

It was a pleasant fall weekend, but I spent most of it studying for my English class. Today's little jaunt was just a leg stretcher up a little path few venture up.

It's actually the only safe place now that hunting season's in full swing and all the lower trails are taken by drunk hunters spying for game out of their truck windows. But even in the higher elevation one has to be careful because I found a few brass shells at the trailhead parking area.

Weather is still so lovely during the day, in the 70s, although the nights are now creeping into the 40s. I had to wear socks the last two nights to keep my feet warm.

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