I wanted to take my best hiking dogs on another workout, some place more isolated but close by with water. I had Escapule Road and the wash in mind. I wanted to see what the water level was.
I took Hansel, Gretel and Fritz. They are very manageable together with good recall.
Sadly the wash is now fenced off and private property. My next option was Charleston Bridge a few miles away.
That parking lot was crowded, with a few parked cars and an RV still trying to position itself. I noticed land had been cleared across the river with a new road graded. Is this a new housing area?
The dogs were wanting to bust out and run so I parked at the most southern edge of the parking lot and took the dogs south. The unmarked social trail is still there and I followed it as far as I could
The trail ended at a spur that lead up to the abandoned railroad. It was my only option as heavy foliage made following the river too arousal. I needed to be able to see the dogs.
I was now just a mile into this hike and made a two- mile turn around my goal. This lead us south on the old rail road, pass some low chapparal covered hills. A bridge across a dry was was the mark. Susan and I had been here before a few years ago
I let the dogs drink here for a bit before turning around. The sun was low and I wanted to get back to the car before sunset. Everything went well until the dogs spotted a white-tailed deer in the distance. Oh great, I thought. I stopped to watch where all three dogs were heading.
Bluffs along the rail road now hide the old path going north. I wanted the dogs to hear me. Gretel came back first, then Hansel, but Fritz took a while but 15 minutes later we were all united again and made it back by 5:40 pm
The total mileage was just under four miles.
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