Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Monday

Today is the last day of my Easter reprieve and it couldn't have ended any nicer.

Kevin had to get up for work, and I quickly followed to get another walk in before the heat of the day set in.  Just like on Friday, I walked the maintenance road with the pack.   Wind-swept altocumulus clouds, those high but puffy streaks of clouds seen in the spring mornings, promised a colorful sunrise.  It smelled of rain, but no rain was forecasted for today.  That was supposed to happen on Wednesday, so today's cool temperatures were a surprise.

I usually get out of the way when I see someone walking toward me on my route.  Today I was taken by surprise when an elderly man appeared coming toward me as I neared the northern loop of my route.  I'd seen him many times before in the distance, and always called the dogs to follow me into the desert so that the pack wouldn't startle the man.  It turns out that he is a dog lover and wanted to meet me and chat with me on previous occasions, but I'd always disappear into the brush.

His name is Don and walks with a tall walking stick that's muffled with a tennis ball on the bottom.  He lives nearby.  His old Husky had to be put down two years ago, and Minnie reminds him of his old dog.  She walks like his old dog. (Minnie waddles).  All dogs ran up to Don to sniff him out.  They approved of his smell and together we walked a block and introduced ourselves to each other and then we parted ways as I continued south for that final mile, down to the stockpond and then to the car.

I didn't do much else after my morning walk.  The clouds continued to form and a gentle, cool breeze flowed all day long.  The cool temperature was quite a surprise.  We even had a colorful sunset, but by then I was busy writing reviews and didn't bother with gazing outside.

It was a beautiful, quiet way to finish Easter.

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