Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Power walk the Fitness Trail (6th week)

This power walk finally brought me out of the day's fatigue. At first I didn't think I had the energy to do this walk.

Jeff was the only one who showed up at the 5:30pm meet-up time, along with his pug Migo. Zeke and Migo get along very well, walking next to one another but not interacting much ("parallel play" in sociology). Neither dog barks at other dogs despite other dogs starting the conversation. Jay joined us 30 minutes later after Jeff and I had passed the two-mile mark. He had jogged all the way to catch up with us, already sweating in his dark pink running shirt. I was wearing my large red fleece sweater, which by now was too warm for me. Today's temperature was much warmer than last week's cold. What a welcome relief.

Zeke had had a bath a few hours earlier, seemingly enjoying the cool water in the tub. He's the only dog who enjoys baths! His fur showed off his nice waves and shined in the waning sunlight. He and his mate Migo were well-behaved as we passed other dog walkers along the Cochise Vista trail section, the prettiest part of this trail as it follows a drainage for 1.5 miles and is away from late afternoon traffic. Our start time at 5:30 seems to be the end of the work day's traffic, as Jeff and I were able to talk at a normal level without screaming at one another. And sun light was plenty. By the end of the month we will be finishing in early dusk. I can't wait to strip down to just a long-sleeved t-shirt!

I told Jeff that I plan on hiking around Prescott over spring break. Kevin and I were there a few years ago, but he no longer hikes so I hiked the paved (!) three-mile Thumb Butte trail alone. There is so much to see and do there, like hike the red rocks around Watson lake, hike down to the Groom Falls, and try sections of the new Prescott Circle Trail, a 56-mile loop through the national forest. I only hope weather is in my favor in early March. I'll be taking two dogs, Sadie and Zeke. If weather proves to be cold and rainy in Prescott, there's still southern California and the Cleveland National Forest.

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