Monday, November 21, 2011

New Puppy: Sieger von Scammell der Wunderhund

Thursday after work I went to the shelter to photograph the new animals there. I instantaneously fell in love with a little black-and-red shepherd mix puppy that had arrived a few days earlier. I took him home to bathe and groom. That night, cuddling in bed, we bonded. Two days later I was sure we would keep him. Yesterday I named him Sieger, or German for Winner, Victor, but his nick name most likely will be "Zeek" which is a spin-off from Sieger. To mock the AKC habit of naming papered dogs long, regal-sounding names, Sieger's full name will be "Sieger von Scammell der Wunderhund." This dog already has proven to be very smart and agile.

The other dogs have accepted Sieger. The cats don't seem to mind, and they are the ones who make the house rules. Sammy growls on occassion, but Sadie seems glad she has someone more her size she can play with.

Sieger follows me everywhere but seems just as content being around Kevin. I want Sieger exposed to all the routines we face: gunshot fire from Kevin's target shooting, my mountain peak hikes (next one's this Wednesday up Agua Caliente Hill!)
and group hikes with other dogs.
Sieger is going prove himself a super dog with amazing physical talents. He already jumps off the bed with grace, jumps straight up a foot, and has a good stride for such a young pup. He'll be ready for his first hike early next year.

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